Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers


Tuesday, our second day in Abadiania, we made it through the night alive.  The first thing on the agenda is that I go to the blessed waterfall with Kelsie.  It’s early in the morning and the thought of even a quick dip in a cold running stream doesn’t really sound all that appealing, never the less it couldn’t be any worse than the cold shower I took earlier.  So, OK, I’m in!

Bill can’t go with us because Kelsie doesn’t have permission from the Entities of Light for him yet; we would all have to go together—Kelsie, Bill, and me—to help him with the steep path in and out and the rocks at the falls as well.  We will ask for permission next week.

Ready for the Waterfall

Ready for the Waterfall

We walk to the Casa and hire a taxi to drive us down the dirt road to a turnaround where he will wait for us to transport us back up to the Casa; it’s a good thing because it’s at least a mile back up the steep road.   A cement paved path with heavy wire handrails on both sides has now appeared leading further down the valley, there is a large, peeling sign in several languages stating the protocol for the waterfall. It asks for silence, respect, and a meditative attitude while visiting the waterfall.   We walk down after a silent prayer to the Entities for serenity and healing.   We arrive at a cement bench where there is a woman waiting for more women to continue on to the falls.  It is against protocol to proceed alone.   The gate across the path is closed indicating there are people already ahead of us.   Men and women usually go separately but there are exceptions made by the Entities which is what we are hoping for so we can accompany Bill to the blessed waterfall next week.  Bill really wants to be able to experience everything that he possibly can while we are in Brazil. Read More

A New World Opens: Our First Night In Brazil

Brasilia Terminal is open-air, a chaotic place; there is a little café and tables near our entry door into Brazil.   Over there are rows of ATM’s where everyone seems to getting or exchanging money. Banks of taxis and cars line the curb.  If it weren’t for Kelsie we would be hopelessly confused.  Abadiania is a one and one-half hour drive south and a little west of Brasilia.

First Sunrise--Abadiania

First Sunrise–Abadiania

Kelsie has a taxi all ready to go with Bolivar as our driver, he is the proud owner of a white and very clean, nearly new small SUV.  It’s still early and quite refreshingly cool with a wonderful dry breeze; much like a Colorado summer morning but it is the start of winter here and the dry season has just begun.  The traffic is heavy in Brasilia and the city seems to stretch out in all directions endlessly.  There is an area of large buildings to the left and a massive traffic jam going the opposite direction from us.  We are leaving the city while everyone else is going in to work.   It seems to go on for miles. Read More

The Great Adventure—Brazil

john-of-god-lung-cancer-healingAfter ten hours of travel—well , two hours from Denver to Atlanta, then eight hours of layover on Concourse E, we finally get to board our flight to Brasilia (an almost nine hour flight overnight) and it is entirely full, packed. There will be no stretching our here. In the early morning on the plane I look out the window to see the full moon I had seen in Colorado the night before only now it is from the other side. We arrive at the open-air Brasilia Terminal to find our Guide, Kelsie, awaiting us with bright red hair, shining eyes, and open arms; there is no mistaking her.

Who would have thought so long ago that we would be making this strange trip of healing and faith? In 1965 there was life and no death, there was no cancer; it was wide open—nothing could stop us. Nothing could affect us like it did everyone else. Ah, the things we did to those young bodies. What’s a little hangover? Just the price you pay for a good time. So what if our lungs felt like cobwebs were filling them after a long night of parties. Cigarettes were not addictive, the tobacco companies said so and we were not inclined to argue. Yah, but, we liked to smoke. We couldn’t and wouldn’t hear the voice of addiction speaking, whispering, cajoling, nagging and pleading. Read More

“I Need You”


 Until my self imposed crisis forced me to change direction, I was trapped in the horrible loneliness that only addiction can bring.  The disconnect between me and you was complete.  I had no idea I had done this to myself.  The idea that there could be a choice never occurred to me.  It was desperation that moved me toward the light.  It seemed impossible but now there was a problem. I needed help.

Even though the solution was right there on the wall in the form of the 12 Steps, it might as well have been written in Chinese.  Somehow I knew that the answer was there, so I sat in the rooms of recovery nine times a week.  Slowly the connection appeared, a little here, a little there.  At that time where I was, there was only one person who had pursued the gift of the 12 Steps given by the people who went before us.  She would not sponsor men, but she would answer the phone so I called her every day for six weeks to ask questions about the program and process of recovery.  Then there arrived a man who had done the Steps and I continued my journey with him. Read More

The Road to Recovery

the-road-to-addiction-recoveryColorado Serenity
Survivor – Mar 2013
Amy J. Born

The road to recovery

In the summer of 1992, Bill and Sandy Fifield made their way from Conifer to Allen’s Park for a late afternoon party hosted by a friend from Minnesota. At least that’s the reason Sandy gave Bill for going. Looking forward to the chance to drink openly with friends, Bill was anxious to get there. Sandy, knowing they were not expected until four o’clock, delayed their arrival with stops at a Black Hawk casino and several liquor stores along the way.

When the couple finally arrived at the cabin, there were no other cars visible. Bill began to get suspicious, repeatedly asking, “Where’s the party?” Then, their friend emerged from the woods and invited them into the cabin, where they were greeted by six friends – the only ones left who would still speak to them – and one stranger.

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White knuckle sobriety doesn’t interest me at all.  Why would I ever want to just not drink or use mood altering substances?  I was always searching for a solution to my fear.  Alcohol and drugs were my solution to that pesky problem for a long time and to my mind—worked very well thank you. I definitely liked the effect because they took away the fear for a while.  No matter to me that it didn’t last—that feeling of ease and comfort that came at once with that first drink or hit.  The world was changed; fear did not exist for at least a couple of hours.  I remember saying to friends over and over that I was willing to pay the price for this; I thought the price was merely a hangover; I had no clue of the real price of my indulgence.

When I first discovered drugs and alcohol, it was a way to push the envelope of ordinary existence, to walk on the edge of the razor, to fly above the boobs I saw around me who were living (so I thought) unfulfilled lives by doing what society asked of them.   They said: “But we don’t like the taste”.   My thought at the time was: So what if you don’t like the taste—you’ve got to drink your way past that, I don’t like the taste of gin but two martinis later—it tasted great!  It was the effect I was after and I was willing to pay the price, whatever that might be.

I have come a long way since then, when alcohol and drugs were the solution to every problem. Read More


Recovery is the only solution to fear.  It does not matter what the fear is; it is a lie that controls my life. The discovery of this simple truth has been an arduous process.  Like all good lies it can’t stand the light of day.  Whatever crisis brings me to an awakening, I must now pay attention. Simple but not easy; a price has to be paid.  It means the exposure of my fear.

At the core of my fear is the belief that I am not enough, I don’t measure up and I am inadequate.  My fear gathered evidence for this lie and I could see no other way until my spiritual, physical, emotional collapse dissolved my world; nothing was left and a door opened.  My initial thought, Oh my God, have I been wrong all this time?  The answer appears to be YES!

I am grateful that a support group appeared at my feet.  It had been there all along and it had but one purpose—to expose the lie. The folks in this group were united in that cause; there are thousands of diversions and they are familiar with them all.  God bless their understanding. No matter what, return to the solution.  Keep the fear exposed. Read More

Life is Terminal

How does that go? I’ve never seen a Brinks truck in a funeral procession. The power of the human condition (the pursuit of sex, security and society) coupled with the lie that I am not enough, drove me to madness. I had no choice; I was trapped in a diversion with no way out. I was grasping for the answer in all the wrong places. Nothing outside of me ever really filled the bill. My life was unmanageable and that was all the proof I needed to confirm again and again that I will never measure up.

I was going to die having done nothing but take. And that scared the hell out of me. I didn’t want to die but I was incapable of living; the only escape for me was addiction. That worked for a while but even that failed to solve the problem. What a loser, I was even a failure at drinking and drugging. Into my darkness came a moment of clarity. Maybe there was another way; maybe I could point my actions in another direction! My God, I was the source of the darkness that was my life. Read More

Holiday Greetings

Sandy and I have learned more about life this year than all our previous years combined. We had no idea how powerful the spiritual side was. As a matter of fact we have discovered that there is no separation. There is no good or bad, no more right or wrong; there is only the next loving thing. Our twenty years of sobriety and service in A.A. have paid unexpected dividends.

When the brain tumor and cancer struck Bill last March, the spiritual principles of the program of 12 Step Fellowships leapt into play. As he was lying in the PET scan after the preliminary diagnosis, he was overwhelmed with a feeling of acceptance and gratitude. Instead of being a death sentence (he was given two weeks to live) the tumor and lung cancer proved to be the springboard to a true understanding of the meaning of life. Read More


I have just realized I was issued an attitude about cancer and my treatment for it. Though everything I was told is true, it was essentially negative. Not realizing I was infected, I would respond negatively. People would ask, “How are you feeling?” My response would be, “I feel like a guy going through chemo-therapy. I feel awful; my bones feel like someone has been beating on them with a stick, I’m grumpy, irritable, depressed and exhausted. What else do you expect from me?” This was not conducive to a positive outcome. Since I have learned that the only way to change my thinking is positive action, I was endeavoring to be of help by encouraging, praising, complimenting and blessing everyone on my path. But something was missing. Read More

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