Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers

About the Book

“Dig Deep in One Place: A Couple’s Journey to a Spiritual Life” explains the actual recipe that the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are and how they can assist anyone in the transformation of their lives.

The title of our book explains how we lived our lives together moving through our relationship, marriage, codependency, addiction, and health issues to happy, joyous freedom.

The Steps are way to rise above fear and live a happy and peaceful life. We have no desire to tell anyone how to do the Twelve Steps but to begin to scrape away the mystery surrounding them using our own practical experience to show how unbelievably simple it is to change from negativity to freedom.

“Dig Deep” tells the simultaneous stories of our pilgrimage using two views of the same events.  The book tells of the depths of depression, addiction, codependency, fear and the miracle of recovery. It is filled with tears and laughter. The truth is The Twelve steps are not self-help–but helpfulness to others.  The mere reading of this book will fill everyone with hope! Hope is not the promise of a good outcome; it is the realization that somebody truly understands and there is a way out of any difficulty you may have. Doing the Twelve Steps will stop you from forging the chains that bind you.   Free at last!

This book is in the format of a Twelve Step Fellowship “speaker meeting” where an individual tells his or her story using a format of:  “What it was like, what happened and what it’s like now.”    These meetings usually last from 1 to 1½   hours.  The book obviously contains much more detail than a one-hour talk can contain. It narrates our simultaneous stories of a couple that stayed together for forty-five years through addiction, alcoholism and co-dependence to come to a spiritual life of happy, joyous freedom. This is the traditional means of communication among members of Twelve Step fellowships of any kind addressing the myriad of difficulties that the human mind can dream up.

It is not our intent to tell anyone how to do this or give specific instructions on how to work the Twelve Steps but to present our experience in the desire that it will bring hope and strength to the reader. Nor is this  intended to be a substitute for having and using a sponsor  in a Twelve Step fellowship group.

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